Minor Setback

Mystery Quilts Anonymous

Why is it that after the great things, come a bit of a low patch....things are no different around here. Amid growing VERY FAST over the past few days, I woke with a UTI this morning and it has set me in bed for the day. I so wanted to sew today, but every time I sit down to try, I am running elsewhere! I got on the antibiotics as quickly as possible, so hopefully one day down and were done!
In the meantime, I thought I would show you a pic of our wee mascot. You helped me name her and were excited for me before we got her. She is now 7 months old and a cute as can be! She loves lying on the bed with her "brother" and playing outside. Her best friend is the kitten our mama cat had just over a year ago. I love this wee girl!


She loves hanging out in her kangaroo pouch with me! She's been in there since she was 8 weeks old!

And don't get me started when she poses for the camera! Such a diva when I want to take her pic! 

I love where we live and our wee farm here. Between a pig, ducks, 4 breeds of chickens, 2 cats, and 4 dogs...we have a hoard of "fur babies" and feathered friends.

Enough cuteness for today, back to bed for me. Thanks for sharing all this with me!



  1. Feel better soon. I know just what you’re going through. I just finished the meds on mine last week. I’ve had several this past year. Hope it’s not going to be a chronic thing. As my grandmother always said “the first hundred years are the hardest”!

    1. And getting old is not for the feint of heart! But, you make it more fun!! Thanks for your help and love!

  2. Hope your infection clears up quickly and you feel better soon. I have had mine for 4 1/2 months since my surgery. The antibiotics aren’t touching it grrr.
    Take care of yourself 🤗❤️

    1. I am SO SORRY, I wish you didn't have this terrible feeling all the time. I truly thought my life was over last night. I haven't felt that bad in years. Praying you feel better and can get this healed up for your sanity, I know I was going crazy!

  3. Drink lots of cranberry juice with Out the Vodka (with) if you want no pain...
    You'll be back to your self in a few days, better now than when it's Christmas and you have the family All around, rest up.

    1. Cranberry juice and water are my best friends today! Thanks for the info.

  4. Hope that you feel MUCH better VERY soon!!!


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