So Excited...

As I sit here with my feet up for five minutes (or maybe a little more) I am so excited about how we have grown into a wonderful group of quilters who's only goal is to help each other in their quilt making growth, WELL...and to make a few mysteries along the way.

We have had our first retreat. I feel it was a great success being our first one. I want to thank all those who came and were patient with our growing pains. I felt really good that we had new and seasoned quilters alike and the ideas were flowing both ways! We made Pass the Parcel, which I designed as an exclusive for those coming to the retreat. I will make the pattern available after these quilters are finished with their quilts. We also donated orphan blocks to a "group" quilt to be donated to the charity of my choice...I just need to get it finished!! We had a couple of shops we went to on Thursday and we all spent our "allowance" on quilt fabric and a few tools! All in all, I had fun and was very pleased with the outcome. I am currently thinking of doing more than one a year, I enjoyed it so much.  We had some amazing "aha" minutes for our new quilters and others jumping in to help "reverse sew" and stitch for others. Here are some of our completed blocks.

We had laughs along the way, tears when it wouldn't go into place properly, and proud moments like this one: "Look at my perfect pinwheel in the center!" whilst having to unpick the last side because it is backwards! So so so much fun! Shirley was our "most mature" quilter and had no issues keeping up with the younger ones, even cooking for us a couple times!! Really enjoyed having her.

Future retreats will include a pajama party, day out shopping, evenings out at local places to see the beauty of Rotorua and New Zealand, and I have a design in my head for the next retreat exclusive mystery. I am already planning menus and stocking up on tea and coffee!!   OH, and better lighting for those of us with hindered vision! I am thinking one a quarter, so book in now for your spot in upcoming retreats!


 Myriah and Dawn posed for a pic of their blocks...Myriah with the secondary design block, and Dawn with the main block. Aren't their fabrics scrumptious?!?!?!

This is also our first time to work on two quilts at the same time. We are working on DreaMs2K (our celebration quilt for achieving 2,000 members) and Diamonds in the Rough. I think I may have to start on our 5,000 celebration quilt as we are well over 3,000 now! I so enjoy our group with your encouraging attitudes and helpful, thoughtful hearts! I am so happy you are sewing with me.

Enough for today...let's get sewing! I will be posting clue 2 for each: DreaMs2K on Tuesday and Diamonds in the Rough on Friday, both at around 9:00am New Zealand time. See you then!!

Happy stitching,


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