So Excited...

As I sit here with my feet up for five minutes (or maybe a little more) I am so excited about how we have grown into a wonderful group of quilters who's only goal is to help each other in their quilt making growth, WELL...and to make a few mysteries along the way. We have had our first retreat. I feel it was a great success being our first one. I want to thank all those who came and were patient with our growing pains. I felt really good that we had new and seasoned quilters alike and the ideas were flowing both ways! We made Pass the Parcel, which I designed as an exclusive for those coming to the retreat. I will make the pattern available after these quilters are finished with their quilts. We also donated orphan blocks to a "group" quilt to be donated to the charity of my choice...I just need to get it finished!! We had a couple of shops we went to on Thursday and we all spent our "allowance" on quilt fabric and a few tools! All in all, I had fun and was...